Quick enable passwords for svnserve

# diff /svnrepos/someapp/conf/ /svnrepos/brandnew/conf/
diff /svnrepos/someapp/conf/passwd /svnrepos/brandnew/conf/passwd
> kace = s3cret
> jack = pr1vate
diff /svnrepos/someapp/conf/svnserve.conf /svnrepos/brandnew/conf/svnserve.conf
< # anon-access = read < # auth-access = write --- > anon-access = none
> auth-access = write
< # password-db = passwd --- > password-db = passwd
< # realm = My First Repository --- > realm = main
... And, yes, it's done per repository. After making changes like the above to the configuration files for the new repository, you just need to start (or restart) svnserve. On FreeBSD, that should be as easy as "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/svnserve start" (... with "svnserve_enable='YES'" already in "/etc/rc.conf"). ... Also, you must have either created an 'svn' user or set another user to run the server as -- again using shell variables in "/etc/rc.conf", as per the appropriate variables found in the start-up script. ... Yeah, and you probably want to run something like "chown -R svn /svnrepos/brandnew" on your new repository so the svnserve process can actually make changes to it.
Details, details. Anyway, those configuration files were the part that took some research. Enjoy.
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